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Waterberg Kudu Breeding Project

Giant Kudu Genetics

English – Kudu, Afrikaans – Koedoe, Xhosa – iqhude, Ndebele – Ibhalabhala, Tswana – Tholo, Swati – Lishongololo, Sotho/Sepedi/Setswana – Thôlô, Venda – Tholo-lurango or Tholo, Tsonga – Nhongo, Shangaan – Hlongo, Swahili – Tandala, Zulu – Mgankla or Tshabalala or Igogo or Umgankla or iMbodwane


About Us

The Waterberg Kudu Breeding Project is located South of Ellisras. In the 1970's it wasn't an odd occurrence to exchange a wind pump for a 65” Kudu bull, as it was considered sufficient payment for the pump. These beautiful antelope were rather common and taken for granted, as their numbers decreased over the years to the point where big Kudu bulls are now considered a rare occurrence.   



The farm already had a very good Kudu gene pool. Since 2010 the weaker genetic bulls were shot out with bow and arrow. From there, countless hours of research and expert advice has helped to get the breeding stock where it is today. Precision selection has been used to choose the perfect breeding matches  in our herds. The main purpose is to put the giant Kudu genetics back into nature, not only in the bushveld but the whole of South Africa!  As we believe every farm deserves a big Kudu bull.



The Kudu herds are meticulously selected based on the bull and cow’s genetic variance, thus creating excellent pairings and the best genetic results. To broaden the genetic diversity, specially chosen Kudu bulls were brought in with a selected genetic variation. These include genetics of famous Mr. Wow and Hercules. The nutritional health of the animals are analyzed on a regular basis and adjusted accordingly, as we believe nutrition plays a great role in producing the optimal animal. Record keeping plays another key part in the Waterberg Kudu Breeding Project.



We believe a more natural approach to game breeding is the new norm, with the goal being, to keep the ecological system as natural as possible. We want to keep the mysterious Kudu spirit alive in the family as well as the community, and show people what a marvelous animal the grey ghost can be.


 Despite their size, Kudus have the ability to appear and disappear from sight, in the blink of an eye. They are also experts at using shadows for camouflage, it is where the epithet of the Grey Ghost comes from. The grey ghost haunts experienced hunters, as they have struggled to estimate the bull’s horn length, every bull has its own unique shape, size, form and look.



Feel free to contact us if you want to discuss any Kudu breeding information or just for a welcome visit.

                                    “Every farm deserves a BIG Kudu bull!”

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